Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday "Flash-Back"

So here, as promised, is the first of what I hope to be many posts containing some pics and descriptions of what's been going on in around our house these past few months!

For us school started back August 9th. This is a special school year for 2 reasons! This is Justus' Senior year of Highschool. I still have a very hard time wrapping my mind around it! He is a very smart, handsome young man and although he has his faults, as we all do, he has made us very proud! I don't want to say too much now, because I want to create some special posts in honor of this being such an important year for him.

The second reason it is a special school year is that it is my baby boy, Wesley's, first year of school. He started K-5 this year and for the most part he is enjoying it! He had his first field trip a couple of weeks ago. We walked down the street from the school to Mrs. Sharon Kilcrease's farm. She has ducks, chickens, a turkey, horses, goats and a miniature donkey. It was FUN!!!

So, our first Friday "Flash-Back" is...Back to School & Wesley's first field trip! Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Hall's said...

eSO glad you are blogging again! I missed it! Love all the pics and looking forward to more!

Love you guys!